Last consortium meeting
We had our final team meeting at the end of February. Some of the team members met in Athens and others joined the discussions online. We talked about the ongoing publications from the project, reviewing those that are in final stages of preparation. We also discussed the general project results. Moreover, we conducted a project retrospective, reflecting on what has gone well and what could have been improved, what have we learned and what we accomplished individually and as a team in EmCliC. Finally, we made plans for the future, including the discussions about EmCliC 2.0!
We chose Athens as it is one of the European cities facing extreme heat, with high involvement from the research community and the local stakeholders into this topic. We have met with prof. Klea Katsouyanni (Professor of Public Health in the Environmental Research Group, Imperial College London and Professor in Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School), an expert on the topic of environmental risks, including heat, and health to discuss her and our research.