We just finished conducting workshops for the EmCliC survey’s interviewers
The survey preparations are in full throttle. On 28 of June we conducted an interviewer workshop in Madrid and followed with another one on 6 of July in Warsaw. The interviewers learned about:
- the EmCliC project,
- interviewing ethics (including the GDPR rules and documents)
- the logic behind random sampling
- practicalities of interviewing and inviting the selected participants to our study
- the interviewing gear (laptops, compass, thermomether)
- the on-line questionnaire
- reasoning behind all of the questions, so that they know, why it is important!
The research company will probably enlist more interviewers for our study, so the workhops will continue. But the initial team of interviewers is erady and hot days have already come so we can’t wait for the survey to begin!