EmCliC team presentations at scientific seminars and conferences – summer 2023

In June, Barbara Jancewicz and Zofia Bieńkowska presented the results of their research at a scientific meeting entitled “Climate change and the functioning of older people”, organised by the Mazovian Branch of the Polish Gerontological Society. ” Climate change and the living of older people” organised by the Masovian Division of the Polish Society of Gerontology. Barbara Jancewicz discussed the preliminary results of a survey conducted on a group of over 2,000 respondents aged 65+ in Warsaw and Madrid. In addition to the characteristics of the respondents, she presented their views on heat and climate change as well as strategies to deal with the heat and how older people experience heat waves. A qualitative perspective was presented by Zofia Bienkowska. Using data collected from an ethnographic study conducted in the summers of 2022 and 2023 in Warsaw, she talked about how the respondents perceived climate change, how heat affected their daily lives and how they defined heat. The qualitative perspective provided a deeper look into the adaptation strategies against heat used by older people.
In June and July, Małgorzata Wrotek presented the results of a study on long-term care preferences based on survey data at three conferences: “Lodz Days of Gerontology” in Lodz (Poland), “Warsaw International Economic Meeting” in Warsaw (Poland) and at “The 3rd European Conference on Aging & Gerontology” (EGen2023) in London (UK). During her presentations, she discussed similarities and differences in care preferences between older people living in Warsaw and in Madrid. Using hypothetical health scenarios, she outlined how care preferences change and which factors play an important role in older people’s care choices and ways of financing care. The research showed the important influence not only of socio-economic factors on choices, but also the importance of the current health situation of older people and the care capacity of their families.