3rd Consortium Meeting

All the team members met mid-October in Oslo for our third general team meeting. Each team member reported on their research conducted over the summer, as well as conference presentations and project progress. We focused on the preliminary findings from our different data sets, especially from the survey as well as from the second round of ethnographic research combined with the sensors, conducted over the summer.
This moment signifies the end of data collection in EmCliC. We will be devoting more time from now on to the analysis and writing up of our results. Since we have already started working on few academic articles, we discussed them in more detail during the meeting in Oslo. We talked about: 1) the role of energy poverty in the context of summer heat and how it affects the experiences of urban heat of the poorest groups in the city; 2) a framework combining high resolution climate projections with health and demographic data for mapping clusters of vulnerable groups within the city on the case of Madrid; 3) what is a heat(wave) from multiple disciplinary perspectives and for different groups of people, including older adults in Warsaw and Madrid, and how these differences might affect existing policies and alert systems.
Moreover, we started initial discussions about the project’s general results, focusing on interdisciplinary analysis. We also talked about the upcoming project events in 2023 and made a detailed publication plan. It is going to be a busy and exciting year!